He also got a new violin. He had been playing on a 1/2 size instrument but he's been growing like a weed so we got a very nice 3/4 size violin. Our friend Ron, the concertmaster of the ABT Orchestra came over with new strings and adjustment tools and made the instrument sound fantastic. Max is very pleased. Click on the photos to see the video performances.
Max was also chosen by his ballet teacher to be the student demonstrator at the ABT National Curriculum Seminar next week and was accepted and given a full scholarship to the ABT Summer Intensive program which starts the end of July and lasts 2 weeks. Go Max!

Then on Sunday he the first of three auditions for Summer Music Camps. He played the Debussy, Brahms and finished with the Sinding Frühlingsrauschen. He's competing against some talented kids and their "tiger moms" but he played very well and so we're hopeful.
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